Ant Extermination Costs

Proudly Serving South Carolina | North Carolina | Georgia | Florida

Ant Extermination Costs in South Carolina, North Carolina, & Georgia
When discussing ant extermination costs, it is important to not only understand the costs of extermination and preventative maintenance but also the cost and dangers of an ant infestation. Left untreated, ant infestations can rapidly spread and cause a homeowner possibly thousands in repairs and treatments. A single ant colony can contain a few hundred ants up to thousands of ants! Although many stores will sell ant treatment and prevention solutions, they may not be as effective as professional extermination and may require multiple treatments which can become costly.

Cost of Hiring an Exterminator

While there are many DIY treatments and ways to get rid of ants that may have varying results, the easiest way to rid your home of ants is by calling in a professional. Some of these at-home solutions can be ineffective and dangerous to kids and pets in your home. The cost of hiring a professional exterminator can vary based on a number of factors such as:
  • Species of ant
  • Size of the home or area impacted
  • Amount of ants/colonies
  • How many treatments are needed to fully eliminate infestation
Once a professional exterminator is able to analyze your needs for extermination and prevention they will be able to expertly target the type of infestation and eliminate these pesky intruders effectively and quickly.

Cost of Not Hiring an Exterminator

Ants such as carpenter ants can create extensive damage within your home by tunneling into wooden structures to create nests. This can cause structural damage to a home and can cost thousands in repairs. Even ants that are not a threat to the physical structure of your home can end up costing you money. Ants that have invaded a kitchen can contaminate food which may need to be thrown out and replaced, not to mention the frustration of throwing away otherwise good food. When you are treating an infestation without professional help you can end up paying for expensive products as well as spending the time and energy that it can take to effectively track down and treat an ant infestation.

Getting Professional Help

The cost of ant extermination can vary based on a number of factors but one thing is for sure, left untreated, an ant infestation can become expensive! If you have an ant infestation in your home and have decided it is time to call in a professional exterminator give us at Rocket Pest a call for free expert advice. We have over 65 years of expert experience eliminating and preventing ant infestations saving homeowners from costly repairs and wasted food. Back to Ant Exterminators