Pest Control and Exterminators in North Carolina
Exterminators in North Carolina
North Carolina stretches from breezy Atlantic beaches to the misty Blue Ridge Mountains, offering a rich tapestry of history, music, and culinary delights. Its landscapes inspire countless travelers with national parks, vibrant college towns, and coastal lighthouses. Yet, the state’s mild climate and lush vegetation encourage termites, ants, and other insects to creep into buildings, quietly challenging property owners’ peace of mind. What does outstanding pest service mean to us? It means that every service we do is backed by The Rocket Promise. And all of our services are performed by local pest experts who live and work in your community and are knowledgeable about pest issues affecting the area. We proudly work with both homeowners and business owners in the North Carolina area and we're here for all your residential and commercial pest service needs. Check out our seasonal specials to see how to save big on the most trusted pest control around - or give us a call right now!
Also serving
- Snow Camp
- Haw River
- Elon
- Graham
- Mebane
- Burlington
- Chocowinity
- Washington
- Windsor
- Ocean Isle Beach
- Shallotte
- Calabash
- Alexander
- Fairview
- Swannanoa
- Black Mountain
- Leicester
- Asheville
- Arden
- Weaverville
- Midland
- Harrisburg
- Kannapolis
- Concord
- Maiden
- Newton
- Siler City
- Pittsboro
- Edenton
- Grover
- Mooresboro
- Lawndale
- Shelby
- Kings Mountain
- Tabor City
- Vanceboro
- New Bern
- Denton
- Thomasville
- Winston Salem
- Tarboro
- Walkertown
- Kernersville
- Bessemer City
- Cherryville
- Stanley
- Dallas
- Mount Holly
- Belmont
- Gastonia
- Snow Hill
- Colfax
- Pleasant Garden
- Oak Ridge
- Whitsett
- McLeansville
- Gibsonville
- Browns Summit
- Jamestown
- Greensboro
- Enfield
- Waynesville
- Clyde
- Canton
- Mills River
- Flat Rock
- Fletcher
- Hendersonville
- Ahoskie
- Mooresville
- Cullowhee
- Sylva
- Sanford
- La Grange
- Kinston
- Iron Station
- Vale
- Denver
- Lincolnton
- Franklin
- Williamston
- Old Fort
- Pineville
- Charlotte
- Lake Norman
- Mint Hill
- Monroe
- Mt. Holly
- South Park
- Weddington
- Davidson
- Cornelius
- Matthews
- Huntersville
- Mount Gilead
- Troy
- Robbins
- Nashville
- Rocky Mount
- Efland
- Elizabeth City
- Hertford
- Grimesland
- Grifton
- Farmville
- Ayden
- Columbus
- Tryon
- Sophia
- Ramseur
- Liberty
- Trinity
- Randleman
- Asheboro
- Reidsville
- Ellenboro
- Rutherfordton
- Forest City
- Locust
- New London
- Pisgah Forest
- Brevard
- Wingate
- Marshville
- Indian Trail
- Waxhaw
- Plymouth
- Pikeville
- Goldsboro
- Lucama
- Elm City
- Wilson
- Raleigh
- Durham
Expert Pest Control
- Rocket Pest Control
- 1622 Parker Drive
Charlotte, NC, 28208 - 803-676-1115
Hear From Our Satisfied Customers
"I just want to thank Alex Stewart for going above and beyond at my home. I had a lizard problem where I couldn’t sit on my back porch comfortably and he did exactly what I asked. He was awesome. Thank you Alex Stewart and Rocket Pest Control. I also want to thank the salesman Demetrius Anthony for taking the time to explain how the service worked. Demetrius was very patient with me. I am totally satisfied and wouldn’t call anyone else but Rocket Pest in the future!!"
- Tuwana Evans
Eliminate Pests and Prevent Future Infestations with Integrated Pest Management
People often ask us "What does integrated pest management mean?" Allow us to explain. Integrated pest management is the practice of considering a variety of factors to determine the most effective pest control treatment for a given location. We look at the pest type, where they’re coming from, why they’re present, as well as specialized knowledge of pest biology and behavior. Once we’ve fully assessed the situation, we develop a highly targeted treatment plan that’s sure to get the best possible results.
Commercial Pest Services You Can Count On
Pests are a frequent problem in homes, but they’re not shy about infesting businesses in the North Carolina area either. If it happens in your business, don’t let it threaten your livelihood or your hard-earned reputation. Call the experts at Rocket Pest Control. We offer results you can count on so you don’t have to worry about pests and can focus on growing your business.